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[E] blackcloud360
[E] blackcloud360
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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This calls for a poll XD
over 13 years ago
1. I'm sorry but wrong place dude. 2. Are you sure you checked it will say if you got accepted or rejected.
over 13 years ago
I might not be the one to say since I've only been on about a month, but the faction mod could really help In taking care of major cities. Limit chat because of in-faction chat. I also thought it would be more organised... <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object> This is the link to it: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-fun-factions-1-6-1-guilds-war-and-user-controlled-antigrief-1337.19063/ What do you think?
over 13 years ago
Just send in a pe, and ask if they can do it for you. Make sure you have gold/diamond to pay... <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
over 13 years ago
Hey Taco this might sound cheap, but could we have like a line saying " The past must be written and the future must be seen." As in saying that this is the past and the future is yet to come with new things. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object> I hope that could help your summary. If you need help just ask. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
over 13 years ago